Fish - also healthy for babies!

Fish is high-quality food, part of the regular diet in most European countries, and also in the nutrition of infants.
Fish should be eaten on a regular basis because it is a valuable source of nutrients. Sea fish, in particular, is a great source of the trace element, iodine, which is essential for the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is also vital for babies and important for their development. Fatty sea fish, such as salmon, contains many valuable Omega-3 fatty acids that are important for the development of brain and nerve cells.
Eating habits are shaped at a very early stage in life. Therefore, it is important to get babies familiar with healthy meals, and that includes fish.
HiPP offers at least one fish menu in each feeding stage. These make an important contribution to a varied diet for your child, as it is recommended to eat fish about once a week.
Even babies with allergy risks are able to have fish when they have reached the weaning food age. This is because recommendations for the composition of weaning food apply to both babies with and without allergy risks. There are even indications that eating fish during your baby’s first year could have a preventive effect on the development of allergies.
So, where does the fish for HiPP Menus come from?
Most of the fish we use comes from deep-sea fishing, and the fishing grounds lay in select deep-sea regions. The fish is caught and certified accoding to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) guidelines. At HiPP, we can therefore guarantee a careful and sustainable method of fishing, for the conservation of fish stocks and to prevent over-fishing of the oceans.
Only when there is a shortage of fish caught in the wild, would we (at HiPP) fall back on products from ecological aquaculture. This fish is farmed according to strict organic guidelines.
All fish is immediately processed fresh and is deep-frozen for further processing. Before the fish makes it to the jar, it is tested thoroughly in our laboratories.