Scientific interview-
frequently asked questions at the dermatologist’s clinic

Answered by Dr. Christina Schnopp
Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology, TU Munich
Question 1: What is so special about baby skin?
Can I use normal skin care products for my baby or does a baby’s skin need special products?
Question 2: How often should I bathe my baby?
Is clear water sufficient or should I use a bath product?
Question 3: When should I apply cream?
Which cream should I use for different situation (diaper changing, outings, after bathing)?
Question 4: How can a sore bottom be avoided?
The most important things to focus on are general things such as changing the baby’s diaper often, gently wiping away stool...
Question 5: How do I know if the skin is dry?
How do I recognise neurodermatitis? What can I do about it?