Tips for dads-to-be
Here we have compiled a few tips for all dads-to-be, to help make the birth and the first days with the baby unforgettable.
Before birth
- Accompany your partner to important appointments (e.g. antenatal classes or medical check-ups)
- Inform your employer in time and apply for parental leave, if applicable
- Prepare your home for the baby (changing unit with radiant heater, bassinet, child’s bedroom…)
- Offer your support in dealing with formalities
During birth
- Offer a massage, something to drink or a cold cloth for the forehead, perhaps
- Don’t forget to take along food for yourself and the camera for the first photo
- After birth, inform friends and relatives about the name, the size and the weight of your little baby
Coming home
- When picking up mummy and baby from the hospital, remember to have the baby seat and a blanket in the car
- Once you arrive home, mum will certainly be delighted with a “welcome” bouquet of flowers.
- Offer to bathe, change and walk the baby – to get closer to the baby and to unburden the mother
- Also help with everyday chores like shopping, cooking and doing the laundry
- Coordinate visits with the mum. Either you can look after the guests yourself or you ask friends to visit at a later time, when your daily routine has normalized a bit more.