Questions & Answers
Hormones in action. Unfortunately, pregnancy is sometimes also accompanied by less pleasant symptoms. How to deal with nausea, heartburn and constipation.
What to do about nausea?
For many pregnant women, nausea and vomiting is a part of their daily routine. Because each woman reacts differently to the change...
What helps against heartburn?
The stomach contents, including gastric acid, rise along the oesophagus, accompanied by a sharp burning pain in your chest. Here you experience hormones at work...
What to do about constipation?
Almost every mum-to-be has trouble with her digestion. Hard stool and constipation are common complaints. There are various reasons for this...
May I do sports?
Stamina, strength, flexibility and inner calm are ideal in preparation for labour…
Is my baby at risk of allergies?
There is a hereditary risk of allergy is close relatives, in other words, father, mother or siblings also have allergies…