Pregnancy Quiz

How much should pregnant women drink? Which nutrients does the body need during pregnancy? Am I allowed to exercise? Are you ready? Then test your knowledge!
Surprising answers guaranteed – even for pregnancy experts.
The increased need for nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements should be met.
Yes. Exercising regularly is great preparation for birth – gymnastics, aerobics and stretching exercises are perfect.
The intake of the mother’s vitamin, folic acid is very important during pregnancy. It is found in broccoli, potatoes or eggs.
For the supply to the unborn child, beverages like water, teas and diluted juices are ideal.
The weight gain for a woman of normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9) should be between 11.5 and 16 kg.

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Often it helps to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. At night, it helps to sleep with the upper body slightly raised.
Tension on the abdominal wall and hormonal changes can dry out the skin – intensive care helps to maintain the skin’s elasticity.
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