The origin of our organic milk
Where does the organic milk for HiPP organic milk formulae come from?

HiPP only uses milk from farms that adhere strictly to the regulations of organic farming. The cows are kept in appropriate conditions according to the species and graze for more than 200 days a year on natural meadows that are farmed without mineral fertilisers or chemical-synthetic sprays. This natural feeding of the animals with grass, hay or grain guarantees the best organic quality, from which our nutritious, healthy milk originates. That’s what makes the organic milk so valuable for HiPP milk formulae.
HiPP organic milk is strictly controlled
All this is continuously checked by independent control institutes. In addition to this, HiPP controls all products in their own lab tests, which are even stricter than the legislative authorities stipulate. This guarantees that only the best organic milk is used for your baby.